A manuscript travel account written by way of a thank you letter by Henry Goudemetz, a curate from Normandy, to his hosts in Oxford, a family called Meade. Goudmetz wrote at least one other travel journal. His "Voyage de Champeaux à Metz, fait en 1785" was published (from the manuscript) in 1892, with an accompanying life of the author by V. Adveille. The dedication thanks Mr. and Mrs. Meade for their hospitality and offers the present account as "quelque foible acompte de notre impèrissable reconnaissance." He ends the epistle with a twenty-four line poem, in rhyming couplets, addressed to his "bienfaiteur gènèreuse, famille aumable et chere." After the main text, Goudemetz breaks into verse once more with an eighteen-stanza poem in Latin, "Ad Anglos Ode Congratularia." The main text describes places passed through on the way to Oxford, Uxbridge, Beaconsfield, High Wycombe, and Cuddesden; and in Oxford, after a description of the city, the Observatory, Radcliffe Camera, and nine colleges. He concludes with a comment on the cost of university education: "La vie animale est très chère à Oxford. Ceux qui y font etudier leurs enfans doivent etre riches."